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about  Yoko-Bon




Born and raised in Nara, Japan, a city rich in nature and historical heritage. Worked at a studio creating realistic three-dimensional objects for museums and aquariums. During this time, learned the basics of three-dimensional modeling in the early twenties and began making dolls self-taught. Eventually, this expression expanded beyond just dolls.


The main material used in the works is felt, a material familiar from childhood. Felt has a long history and is said to have originated from wool soaked and trampled on the floor of Noah's Ark. Yoko-Bon uses felt in three-dimensional sculptures to create new stories. These works incorporate images of traditional Japanese patterns, human cells, plants, and Ukiyo-e, featuring familiar motifs like dogs and cats, as well as deer and goldfish deeply connected to Nara, where Yoko-Bon grew up.


Dolls have been created since prehistoric times as objects of worship and as spiritual refuges. Yoko-Bon views them as embodiments of future hope and symbols of peace for the soul and spirit. There is a feeling of being protected by something invisible, and the energy to visualize this feeling is the source of creativity. This includes an animistic belief that spirits dwell in all things.


After the COVID-19 pandemic, Yoko-Bon presented new installation works on the themes of the cycle of life and reincarnation at the Mirasaka Peace Memorial Museum in Hiroshima (2021) and the Taro Okamoto Museum of Art in Kawasaki, Kanagawa (2022). Currently, Yoko-Bon is deeply concerned about the human society falling into global catastrophes such as the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, as well as natural destruction and environmental pollution, which greatly influence creative activities. Inspired by spiritual elements from Ukiyo-e artists like Kuniyoshi Utagawa, Japanese animation, Buddhist statues, and religious paintings, Yoko-Bon continues to explore unique ways of expressing an animistic worldview through "felt sculpture."


















歌川国芳ら浮世絵師の妖怪絵、日本のアニメーション、仏像や宗教画などから精神的インスパイアを受けつつ 『フェルト彫刻』 という独自の方法でアニミズム的な世界観を構築し、さらなる表現方法を探究し続けています。

Yoko-Bon is a fabric sculptor


Exhibition History

2022 / Selected for "The 25th Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art”

Taro Okamoto Museum of Art, Kawasaki-City


2021 / Yoko-Bon's World! Picture Books, Cats and Dolls Special Exhibition for the 30th Anniversary of Mirasaka Peace Museum of Art Hiroshima

2019 / Doll Picture Book “Mann-maru Pan”(The Kolobook folktale) ~Yoko-Bon's World Exhibition~
Tawaramoto Town Library, Nara

2017 / Doll Picture Book “Mann-maru Pan”~Yoko-Bon's World Exhibition~ Osaka Prefectural Nakanoshima Library,Osaka

2016 / Doll Picture Book “Mann-maru Pan" ~Yoko-Bon’s World Exhibition~ Nara Prefectural Library and Information Center, Nara

2016 / Doll Picture Book “Mann-maru Pan” ~Yoko-Bon's World of Dolls and Dioramas~ Shonan T-SITE Tsutaya Bookstore , Kanagawa

2015 / Publication of Doll Picture Book "Mann-maru Pan" Published by Gunzo-sha

2009 / Teddy Bear & Friends 2009
Isetan Shinjuku Store-Famouse Department Store in Tokyo 
Collaboration Exhibition
“Cheeky-Punkie Domestic Popular Artists Collaboration" "One-of-a-Kind Artwork"

2008 / 3rd Disney Character Teddy Bear & Doll Convention Isetan Shinjuku Store
Collaboration Exhibition
“Cheeky by Merrythought Ltd. × Popular Artists 3"
Limited production of 6 Dumbo

2006 / 2nd Disney Character Teddy Bear & Doll Convention  Isetan Shinjuku Store Limited production of 10 Pinocchio

2004 / Solo Exhibition "Yoko-Bon"
Izu Teddy Bear Museum, Shizuoka


Articles in Newspaper:
Three of the five major newspapers in Japan
(The Yomiuri Shimbun、 The Mainichi Newspapers Co.,Ltd、 Sankei Shinbun CO. LTD.)

Television broadcasting:
NHK(Japan Broadcasting Corporation)Several times
※ Japan's public broadcasting organization and it is responsible for radio and
television broadcasts both within the country and internationally.


2004 / 「Yoko-Bon」展


2016/『人形絵本 「まんまるパン」  〜Yoko-Bonの人形とジオラマの世界〜』(湘南T- SITE 蔦屋書店)

2016/『Yoko-Bon まんまるパンの世界展』

( 奈良県立図書情報館)




2019/「まんまるパン~Yoko-Bonの世界展 」

(田原本町立図書館 奈良県)

2021/ 三良坂平和美術館30周年特別企画展

「Yoko-Bon's World ! 絵本と猫と人形たちと」(広島)


2006 / 第2回ディズニーキャラクターテディベア&ドール

コンベンション (ピノキオ限定10体製作)高島屋巡回展

2008 / 第3回ディズニーキャラクターテディベア&ドール

コンベンション (ダンボ限定6体製作)高島屋巡回展 / 



2009 /テディベア&フレンズ 2009


「オンリーワン作品」 (伊勢丹新宿店)

2022 /「第25回岡本太郎現代芸術賞展」入選


作品名「人形絵本 まんまるパン」

著者 翻訳 片山 ふえ
人形制作 Yoko-Bon
ISBN番号 9784903619521 1928797015009

2022年 書籍 「猫びより」

2022年 11月号

ISBN番号 491007247112601136


読売新聞社、毎日新聞社、産經新聞社 NHK

【Artistic Career】

Copyright ©2024 Yoko-Bon
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